HMF information system lets operators know what they are doing wrong

11 December 2001

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An information system which gives the operator information related to crane operations from a display attached to the remote control box is being offered by Danish loader crane manufacturer HMF.

Using CAN-Bus technology, the HMF InfoCentre merges information from three monitoring features: the rated capacity limiter (RCL), which protects the crane against overloading; the Electronic Vehicle Stability (EVS) system, which monitors and ensures the stability of the vehicle; and the Integrated Remote Control (IRC) system, which checks the crane movements and includes the information display. Depending on the options on the cranes, they may be equipped with one or more of these systems.

René Dahlkilde, manager of HMF's development department, claimed that the InfoCentre opened up new possibilities in crane operations. The operator is not just told that the crane is reaching maximum capacity, but also why. It may be that the jib extensions have been extended too much in relation to the load they are lifting, or that a fly jib is about to be loaded to its limit. This allows the operator to amend operations and continue.

Unlike traditional radio remote control systems with displays, the HMF InfoCentre uses two-way communication, which allows the crane operator to optimise movements of the crane in response to the messages coming from the crane. HMF claims that this feature ensures improves safety for less experienced operators, while at the same time offering experienced operators 'completely new possibilities of utilising his crane right to the limit resulting in optimal operation, safety and economy'.