Terex crane does the trick for bridge

20 January 2015 by Daniel Searle

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German crane service provider Blüggel has used a Terex Explorer 5600 all terrain crane to move a footbridge across the river Ruhr.

The project is the first time the crane has been used by a German crane service provider, says Terex. Overseen by construction company Eickmann, the project involved moving the bridge within the Olsberg region to a location 60m higher than the previous location, to prevent the bridge from being affected by flooding.

Friedrich Blüggel, owner of Blüggel, said: "This project was our chance to put our new Explorer 5600 to the test."

The company laid down plastic plates next to the walkway as part of the project, said Blüggel: "On one hand, we were able to create a sufficiently wide path this way. On the other hand, we used the plates to protect the path from damage, as it was not designed to bear that kind of load."

Steel plates were also placed underneath the crane's outriggers, as the banks of the river Ruhr would not otherwise be able to bear the load of the crane.

Playing their cards right: a bridge was relocated by crane service provider Blüggel, using a Terex Explorer 5600.