- A new company, Liebherr Container Cranes Ltd, has been formed to handle the design, development and manufacture of their range of container handling cranes. Thse operations have until now been contained in existing departments of their Killarney factory.
- A delegation from BUMAR, the official Polish Buying Agency, has visited Ekco Instruments to discuss the supply of safe load indicato systems for fitting to cranes manufactured in Poland.
- Blackwood Hodge announce that they are to distribute the Gottwald range of telescopic cranes which are to be built in Britain by J. N. Connell Construction under a reciprocal manufacturing agreement.
- John P Roberts, director of Roberts Construction Equipment asks: “Why are there so few mobile tower cranes in use in this country, when there are so many employed on the Continent?” He suggests that the trailer-mounted self-erectors tend to overhang beyond the chassis, requiring police notice in the UK, but not so on the continent.