From childhood, many of us have been conditioned to think of a machine as some device with gears, shafts, belts, and assorted moving parts. Yet by the rules of physics, any simple tool is a machine, even if it has only one part. Therefore, given the number of “parts” it has, a wire rope is, in fact, a very complicated machine.

A typical 6×25 construction rope has 150 individual wires in the outer strands. All of these wires move independently and together in a very complicated pattern around the core as the rope bends. Despite their durability and strength, all machines including wire rope wear out and need to be retired from service.

That’s why regular inspection is so crucial. It is important to appoint a qualified trained person to conduct the inspection and understand the mechanics of inspection.

Three reasons to inspect rope

Regular inspection of wire rope and equipment should be performed for three good reasons. It:

  • Reveals the rope’s condition and indicates the need for replacement.
    Can indicate if you’re using the right type of rope.