An original lifting plan had been abandoned for weight and headroom reasons. LGS were selected by Kier because of their wide experience in modular beams and the offer of a workable alternative lighter weight solution. LGS used a cascading beam and sling arrangement, ranging from a 240t main beam at 21m with top 140t x 40m round slings, to intermediate 130t beams and finally to four 80t beams which, via shackles, located to the fuselage at eight unequally spaced lifting points.

LGS engineers first weighed the structure using hydraulics and then drew up a revised lifting plan. The load, weighing 218t, was 37m overall with a plan width of 9m reducing to 6m. In the run up to the lift which used a Sarens crane, LGS Engineers were also responsible for building the modular beams and assembling all of the round slings and shackles.

In the event, the lift went flawlessly during the night of the 26/27 September.