ALE used its AL.SK350 crane to lift the FPSO’s M9 module, more than 3,000t, using its 4,000t winch system and high speed slew system. The crane was positioned at a radius of 86m.
In addition to other heavy lifts of 2,073t and 2,089t, this was part of a four-month project where ALE was contracted to lift and install approximately 40 modules, weighing a total of over 36,000t, onto the P-74 FPSO vessel in the south of Brazil.
ALE’s AL.SK350 crane was rigged in its current biggest configuration with 49m ballast radius and 4,000t ballast. The main boom is a 130m long A-frame design on a very stable 18m wide base. The crane is equipped with a 4,000t main winch system and 600t auxiliary quick winch system. For heavier loads up to 5,000t, a strand jack lifting system can be installed.
“With its 354,000tm load moment capacity, it is the largest capacity crane in the market by a significant margin and its huge lifting capabilities enables clients to construct equipment for lifting weighing heavier than ever before. This delivers savings for our customers in the project schedule,” said ALE.