ABG Cranes Pvt Ltd is setting up a world class manufacturing facility to design, build & market Crawler Cranes near Mumbai, India.
ABG is looking to employ an expatriate design engineer, having hands on experience in designing lattice boom Crawler Cranes using AUTOCAD platform and having worked for leading crane manufacturers.
The Chief Engineer shall be assisted by a team of highly motivated design engineers.
Scope of work shall include designing the Crawler Cranes from scratch, training of Indian Design Engineers and product development with maximum use of local sub vendor components and material.
ABG shall offer first class accommodation, good remuneration and flexible working arrangements.
Interested design engineers are requested to email their Bio-data [CV] to: hrabgcranes@vsnl.net
For any clarifications please call Gopal Dobhal on: +91 93240 30428 or Saket Agarwal on +91 98200 72538
ABG Cranes Pvt Ltd
5th Floor
Bhupati Chambers,
13 Mathew Lane, Mumbai 400 004 India
Tel +91 22 6656 3000 Fax +91 22 23649236