Originating in South Korea the Super Grid Transformer, which measures an impressive 8.7m (L) x 4.9m (W) x 4.7m (H) was scheduled to arrive at the Port of Lowestoft via Rotterdam in late September. 

Working closely with Hemisphere Freight Services Ltd and Robert Wynn & Sons, a solution for transferring the transformer from the originating vessel at Rotterdam to the specialist RoRo barge, the Terra Marique was devised.

In late September the vessel arrived at the Belvedere Quay where the awaiting Collett team set to discharging the cargo. Utilising a ten-axle SPMT with hydraulic capabilities Collett boarded the Terra Marique to self-load the transformer from its secured position within the hold of the barge.

As the vessel dropped the hydraulic roadway Collett manoeuvred the cargo portside where it was positioned on stools to allow for assembly of the girder bridge.  The loaded combination then remained portside ready for onward transport.

On Saturday October 1, the convoy began its 27-mile journey. With the transformer loaded to Collett’s specialist girder bridge for the journey the entire combination featured 20 axles, two tractor units in push pull formation and an overall length of 70.5m, which required the route to be scrutinised in meticulous detail to ensure safe passage.  The removal of street signage, traffic lights and the trimming of foliage were needed.

Arriving at the substation the final stage of the project began, delivering and positioning the transformer to the awaiting plinth. 

With the 400t jacking and skidding system already on site Collett began the task of unloading the transformer from the girder bridge ready for positioning. Its Heavy Lift team gradually manoeuvred the transformer to the awaiting plinth before aligning and jacking and skidding to its final position.