Anyone connected with hiring cranes and other construciton equipment in the UK is being offered the opportunity of a full explanation of the revised Model Conditions and new Consumer Conditions of the Construciton Plant-hire Association.

CPA staff, solicitors and insurance professionals will be explaining the new contract forms and taking questions on them at three locations in the weeks ahead.

The seminars are being held at the offices of the law firm Pinsent Curtis Biddle offices on the following dates: Thursday 20 September – 1 Park Row, Leeds, LS1 5AB Thursday 27 September – 3 Colemore Circus, Birmingham B4 6BH Tuesday 2 October – 1 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7BU.

All events start at 8am for 8.30am and a working breakfast is provided.

The CPA is urging its members to invite as many interested parties as possible, especially construction contractors.