Central Tendering Branch
Section Centrale des appels d’offres
P O Box 8000 – C.P. 8000
New Brunswick
E3B 5H6
In order to submit a bid, you must obtain official tender documents from the New Brunswick Opportunities Network, another authorized tendering service or as indicated in the tender notice.A bidder must obtain official bid documents from a distribution service, authorized by the Minister of Supply and Services, in order to submit a bid. The current authorized distribution services are the New Brunswick Opportunities Network (NBON) (operated by the Department of Supply and Services, Province of NB), BIDS (operated by Tender Publications Ltd.) and MERX (operated by Mediagrif Interactive Technologies). Failure to submit the official bid documents or provideproof that the official bid documents were properly obtained will result in rejection of the bid.
In order to facilitate the evaluation process, Bidders are requested to respond in the same format as the official bid documents.For procurements which are not subject to the provisions of one or more of the interprovincial procurement agreements, the Province of New Brunswick reserves the right to apply Provincial or regional Preferences, consider local content in the evaluation of bids and/or refuse to consider bids from vendors from other jurisdictions when it is considered to be in the best interests of the Province. When determining the use of these conditions, the Province will consider, among other factors, theextent to which New Brunswick vendors have access to equivalent procurement opportunities in those jurisdictions and the treatment accorded by those jurisdictions to bids from New Brunswick vendors. The Province will be the sole judge of whether these conditions will be used and the extent to which they will be applied.