Busan-Geoje is 8.2km-long; includes a 3.7km-long immersed tunnel, a three-pylon cable-stayed bridge and a two-pylon cable-stayed bridge; and will carry traffic at a depth of up to 48m below the water’s surface to avoid large container ships using the waterway above.

The connection will link Busan city with the island of Geoje in the economically important coastal area. The cable-stayed bridges are to be the first of their kind in Korea.

Halcrow Group, which is acting as construction advisor to Daewoo Engineering & Construction on the project, has said much of the work on the tunnels is now two-thirds complete, including the cable-stayed bridges, immersed tunnel and pre-casting works. Overall, the project is now more than three-quarters complete, Halcrow said.

A crane at work on one of the pylons

The pylon above is at a height of 143m, 15m short of its final height.

The Busan-Geoje project was covered in full in the April edition of Cranes Today (pp.39-42).