A new magazine has been launched for the Chinese crane industry – Cranes Today China. It is the only Chinese language magazine that is dedicated to cranes and lifting machinery.
Cranes Today China is published four times a year as a special supplement to the monthly magazine Construction Machinery Technology & Management (CMTM). CMTM is sponsored by the Changsha Construction Machinery Research Institute of Construction Ministry.
Each issue of Cranes Today China includes articles taken from the previous three montly issues of Cranes Today, so regular readers of Cranes Today are missing nothing if they are unabel to read Chinese. The articles are selected by the CMTM team, led by editor Luo Zehua and director Zhou Xianbiao. The translation is checked for technical accuracy by Yifei Lu, the chief engineer of crane manufacturer Beijing Crane Works who studied in the UK.
Commenting on the new magazine, Cranes Today editor Phil Bishop said: ‘We have launched this new magazine in partnership with our friends at CMTM with two goals in mind. We want to help Chinese crane users learn about the worldwide lifting industry – how do contractors in other countries tackle jobs and solve lifting problems, what equipment do they use, and what are the safety standards in the different parts of the world. By supplying this kind of information, we want to give Chinese crane users a benchmark against which they can judge their progress.
Similarly, we also hope to help Chinese manufacturers of cranes and lifting equipment rise up onto the world stage. China makes more cranes than any other country in the world – more than 10,000 mobile cranes last year, according to official figures. With such a large domestic platform, Chinese manufacturers will soon be ready to play a full role in the international market place.’
The first issue of Cranes Today China was published in March and the second issue is published in May/June.
Cranes Today China is circulated to the 12,000 readers of CMTM and is also available to registered readers. If you wish to receive every issue of Cranes Today China (which is published entirely in the Chinese language), please contact Phil Bishop either by email to pbishop@wilmington.co.uk or fax to +44 208 269 7803.
If you are interested in advertising in Cranes Today China, please contact James Snowdon either by email to jsnowdon@wilmington.co.uk or fax to +44 208 269 7874.