Crane users are testifying to the usefulness of a simple runner, or spinner, attachment that has been devised by Mannesmann Dematic for its AC 25 and AC 40-1 compact mobile cranes.
The runner sheave is placed on the end of the boom to give extra lifting height and improved performance where overhead space is restricted (Demag gives AC 25 more space to work Dec/Jan99, p49). The runner can be offset in three different positions.
German lifting contractor Scholpp Kran & Transport used the spinner on an AC 40-1 when installing an overhead travelling crane in a factory. “With that spinner, the factory crane could be lifted into position without difficulties,” reports Klaus Scholpp.
He added: “This is a fine example of how special equipment can help tackle special jobs.” Another German lifting company, Colonia Spezialfahrzeuge, found that the installation of an intermediate ceiling inside a building in St Augustin, Germany, was made feasible by using the runner on its AC 25.
The prefabricated concrete sections were 13m long and weighed 4t each. With the runner the crane could pick up each element from a truck, slew through 180O, and place them precisely on their supports.