An Effer loader crane. UK distributor SHAWtrack showed at SED in May
Total revenues were up to EUR 44.7m, up 55% on the previous financial year, which consisted of two months of Effer Holding and two under Sol.Ge. ownership. Pre-tax earnings were EUR 1.44m.
Chairman Lorenzo Cipriani said that such results were due to confidence of the dealer network and end-uers, and the company’s capability to continue its technological innovation.
The company said it had spent up to 1.6% of revenues (EUR 716,000) on research and development. In addition to product launches at Bauma (the 470-88) and later this year, the company has acquired new suppliers and reorganised its plants. They are in Taranto (for steel works and structural components). Bertinoro (for assembly of Aerial Platforms of all sizes) and Minerbio, where the opening of a new plant wing will allow rationalising the components flow thus improving the assembly process of the large dimensions cranes (up to 150 tons/Meter).
It added that a “lasting strong demand from Europe and North America” also contributed to the results.
An Effer loader crane. UK distributor SHAWtrack showed at SED in May An Effer loader crane. UK distributor SHAWtrack is showing at SED in May