The skidder cranes are split into four models, the M80R, M90R, S110R and S120R. All four skidders offer a choice of four boom systems, with reach capacities ranging between 6.8m and 8.0m. The largest of the cranes in the range, the S120R boasts a net lifting moment of 108kNm (kilo Newtons/metre) at 8.0m reach, and 114kNm at 7.2m reach. The S120R has a net slewing moment of 36kNm and, in line with the other skidders at the launch, a slewing angle of 385 degrees.

The S120R has a deadweight of 1,600kg with 8m boom, and 1,540kg with 7.2m boom. The smaller crane in the new range of skidders, the M80R has a deadweight of 1,400kg at 7.2m reach, and 1,460kg at 8m reach. The M80R has a net lifting moment of 73kNm at 7.2m, and 68kNm at 8m reach. It has a net slewing moment of 26kNm.

The launch also featured four forwarders, the M70F, M80F, S100F and S110F. Net lifting moments for these cranes ranged from 65kNm at 10.1m on the M70F to 104kNm at 8.6m on the S110F. Like the skidders, they all feature a 385 degree slewing angle, with net slewing moments ranging from 26kNm on the M70F to 36kNm on the S110F. Deadweights range from 1,470kg on the M70F with 8.6m boom system, to 1,810kg on the S110F with 10.1m boom