Faber-Com’s stand at SAIE 2006, in Bologna

The STU-PWMi electronic regulator for pulse-width modulated (PWM) controlled proportional solenoid valves can drive up to eight modules, from analogue inputs. The control card provides a stabilized 5V supply to power potentiometric joysticks, where used. As well as eight analogue input signals, ranging from 0-5V, the card features an optional input for selecting low or high speed operation.

Faber-Com’s STU control unit

PWM frequency, minimum and maximum output currents, and rise/fall time ramps can all be adjusted using the card. A dump valve output can be turned on each time a manoeuvre is performed, with a programmable delay on switch off, to avoid pressure spikes in the hydraulic circuit.

The proportional joystick, available with signal, power or CANbus outputs, can be supplied with an additional thumbwheel, to provide control over a third axis. Movements are derived from measurements of the magnetic field produced by permanent ferromagnets, using redundant Hall effect probes, which are not subject to deterioration. The joysticks have been designed to reduce the amount of time spent on installation, and the control electronics are located inside a completely sealed housing.

Faber-Com’s joystick

The PWM version of the joystick can directly control hydraulic devices, meaning it can often be used as the only control unit for an entire machine. The CANbus version can collect a large number of control signals and transmit them through the CANbus network. Joystick buttons are available in low or high profile designs, and are fully customisable.

The stabiliser control system combines the functionality of a number of different devices in a single control box. A dump valve interface joins the overload block signal and the dump valve signal; this means that the valve is only energised when both signals are active. Where the crane is being used with a basket, and the radio remote control doesn’t feature its own speed reduction function, the control system can reduce the speed of the crane using a flow reducer valve.

Faber-Com’s stabiliser control system

An outriggers control continuously checks the position of extensions and feet. The outriggers lock continuously checks the position of the main boom. If the boom is in a working position, the outriggers lock blocks all of the stabilisers. It is a safety category 3 device.