“The fact that we decided on the ATF-120-5.1 was no mere chance, as we already have a Tadano TR250E and a GT550E in our fleet and are extremely happy with the reliability of the two cranes. That’s why we trust the brand, not to mention Tadano’s exceptional customer service and product support,” said managing director Scott Harrington. “Even with a long main boom of 60m, the crane is light enough to travel with the hook block installed. From our perspective, that makes it an extraordinary machine when it comes to roadworthiness.”

Xtreme Engineering needed the crane for an urgent project and the ATF-120-5.1 was already in Queensland. “The Tadano team made sure that we got the crane within a matter of days, and with our logo and our company colors to boot,” said Harrington.

Harrington further explained how the new crane will benefit their business in the short and long term: “The ATF-120-5.1 is a cost saver to us because we don’t have to bring in a subcontractor to get the job done. This means that we’ll be able to get new major customers and tap into new kinds of business, especially since we have the only ATF-120-5.1 in Australia and are in a position to offer exclusive solutions. This crane makes us more attractive to the bigger clients because we can do the whole job.”

“We have already used the crane for a wharf demolition project which is nearly finished, and we already have more jobs lined up for the future, including replacing pipes at an alumina refinery and putting together a port control center for ship loading operations.”