Fleet File is compiled by inviting crane companies around the world to supply information on their fleet makeup. It is open to anyone who wishes to participate. This year, we’re opening the survey early to make sure that everyone who wishes to can participate.

We hope that by allowing fleet owners to enter their fleet data early, we will ensure that Fleet File 2013 gives a fair sample of the shape of the global crane industry, not just the biggest players. Last year we approached 750 companies, of whom 200 responded.

All 200 were published in the pages of Cranes Today.

We think it is fair to say that Fleet File is the only truly open survey of the global crane industry. It is also, we think, the most accurate. Rather than using estimates of fleet size, we ask companies to specify how many cranes they have in each capacity class. The only companies listed in our rankings are those who have supplied this information.

By asking about capacity class, rather than aggregate capacity, we are able to detail the differences between those companies with large numbers of taxi cranes, and those who are instead investing in the highest capacity models.

Entry to this listing is free and open to anyone who owns at least one crane. The companies themselves provide all the information published here. We do not invent or estimate figures for companies that do not wish to participate.

You can find the survey form online here.

If you want to make sure you are included, just fill in the form online. If you have any questions, feel free to call Cranes Today editor Will North on wnorth@cranestodaymagazine.com, or call him on +44 (0) 20 7406 6629