Two new ship-to-shore gantry cranes arrived at Liverpool in the UK in November.
They are being assembled at the port’s Royal Seaforth container terminal for operation in February and March. The gantry cranes, manufactured by Liebherr Container Cranes in the Republic of Ireland, are part of a £20m ($32m) redevelopment of the terminal. The picture shows the first of the two cranes arriving on the vessel MV Wiebke. The ship’s own cranes were used to put the total cargo of 750t of steel, including a 42.5m boom and a 40m beam, onto the quay. From there, the sections were transferred to the assembly area by two new Kobelco 7200 crawler cranes, supplied by Baldwins. The container cranes, 64m high to the A-frame and with an outreach of 38m, will be able to load/unload vessels slightly larger than panamax size.