The thin film gauges are deposited on to the diaphragm surface using sputtering techniques, which helps to eliminate drift and ensure repeatable performance. As a result, long-term stability is believed to be 3-4 times better than transducers that are based on traditional technology.

The 3100 covers a pressure range, from 10 bar to 2200 bar. Operating temperatures for the units can be as high as 135ºC. 3100 sensors are available with a choice of six electrical connections and nine pressure ports.

The thin film gauges are electrically isolated from the diaphragm surface by a layer of silicon dioxide. The unit is constructed with a single printed circuit board which also incorporates filtering and transient suppression components. This provides both a high level of RFI protection and resistance to voltage spikes.

Gems 3100 thin-film pressure sensor Gems 3100 thin-film pressure sensor