There are three major reasons why we have accidents when operating mobile cranes:?• The operator is turning the key to the LMI?• Unsafe ground conditions or insufficient outrigger support?• Incorrect rigging or incorrect use of rigging equipment?The new LMI will eliminate one third of the above reasons for accidents!?I believe that the new LMI based on EN 13000 is an intelligent and necessary step forward improving crane safety and taking a lot of pressure off crane operators who often – for a lot of reasons – feel forced to turn the key. ?The new LMI will eliminate this bad habit and force both crane owners and crane customers:?Crane owners will have to be very accurate when calculating the size of a crane needed for a particular job and they have to be very accurate too when calculating the load, remembering always to add the weight of hook blocks, lifting tackle, yokes and the like. Many people still forget this. The new LMI will be an unforgiving safety device, always remembering how to calculate a load. ?Customers too will have to realise that once the safety limit of the crane has been reached, then that is it, the only possibility is either moving the crane closer or employing a bigger crane.?Implementing change is the most difficult task facing any manager. The new LMIs will force most of us to implement changes, not only within our own companies but also in our interaction with customers. ?The truck and the automobile industry is rapidly moving forward every year installing new intelligent safety devices and likewise will the crane industry – owners, operators and customers – have to do so. ?The winners will be all of us – owners, operators and customers.?Søren Jansen?Managing director, BMS?Rødovre, Denmark