That’s why, when we were looking for the fairest, sternest and most esteemed judging panel for the first ever Cranes Today awards, we didn’t have far to go.

Yes, there are already award schemes for crane and transport jobs in different regions, but they are often chosen by cliquey judging panels, with winners actually decided by friends and associates at behind-closed-doors meetings in posh hotels. Some are only open to members of specific trade associations or to companies working in particular countries.

We want to do something a little different, with awards for everyone, about substance not ceremony. We want to know what the lifting industry as a whole thinks were the best jobs, and best new products, from anywhere in the world.

We’ve highlighted a series of jobs in this issue and next month we’ll look at some of the new products that have recently gone to market.

We don’t want to restrict the awards to jobs and products we’ve covered—these awards are judged entirely by you—but we have tried to whet your appetite (pp. 19-21).

With good faith, over to you.

(For reference, the awards will be open to jobs carried out, and products launched, in the twelve months from 1 August 2008 to 1 August 2009.)

Richard Howes, editor