SPRC’s eight-wheel E-One units will be equipped with the Kalmar-developed Remote Machine Interface (RMI), a tool designed for remote machine monitoring, maintenance tasking, and reporting. They will also be fitted with Kalmar’s patented Smartrail autosteering and container position verification system. The machines will be 6+1 wide and capable of stacking 1 over 6 high. Scheduled for delivery in summer / autumn 2006, they will join the four Kalmar RTGs already operating at the terminal.

BACTSSA, a Hutchison Port Holdings company operating in Argentina’s main container gateway, the Port of Buenos Aires, has opted for eight-wheel units due for delivery in summer 2006. The E-One RTGs will be 6+1 wide and capable of stacking 1 over 5 high.

Kalmar is currently delivering several RTGs in the region. These latest orders come shortly after the delivery of five RTGs, also fitted with Smartrail, to Santos Brasil SA in Brazil. Other deliveries in the pipeline include three RTGs to Terminal de Contêineres de Paranaguá, also in Brazil, and two E-One RTGs to Terminal Pacífico Sur Valparaiso SA in Chile.