Lampson International plans to appeal against a $131,300 fine from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). Lampson is one of three companies fined a total of $539,800 for safety violations in connection with the Milwaukee stadium accident involving the huge Transi-Lift crawler crane Big Blue, in which three workers died last July.

OSHA area director George Yoksas also issued citations on 12 January against project manager Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America Inc., which has been ordered to pay $240,500, and contractor Danny’s Construction Company, fined $168,000.

Citations against both Lampson and Mitsubishi included overloading the crane, failure to factor-in the wind conditions, improper calibration of the load indicator and failure to follow requirements relating to ground conditions. Danny’s Construction employed the iron workers at the site and OSHA alleged that it failed to keep employees clear of the suspended roof section and that it allowed employees to be hoisted in personnel platforms when weather conditions were dangerous.

Yoksas said compliance with OSHA requirements would likely have prevented this tragedy. He added: “Failure to take the effect of wind into account was a significant factor in the collapse of the crane”.

Bill Lampson has already started the appeal process. “It was totally inappropriate for OSHA to give any of the violations to Lampson,” he told Cranes Today. “Mitsubishi had exclusive use of, and control over, the equipment. Lampson is just the equipment lessor.” Lampson claimed that OSHA had not considered the contractural relationship between Lampson and Mitsubishi.

“We will demonstrate that some of the violations should not have been issed at all and that Lampson was simply an equipment supplier to Mitsubishi.”

On the same day, OSHA also issued citations of more than $170,000 against the general contractor, HCH Miller Park Joint Venture, and others at the site for fall protection issues unrelated to the crane accident.

Lampson maintains “there was nothing wrong with the equipment – it had already completed nine similar lifts”. But Van Seumeren’s Demag CC 12600 crawler has replaced the Transi-Lift on site and completed its first lift on 21 January. This lift was broadcast live on the worldwide web via the Milwaukee Brewers’ Miller Park Cam.