Overall, the Swiss-headquartered group saw turnover in the first six months of 2010 up €149m to €3,415m, a 4.6% rise. Total turnover for the company’s three construction related divisions rose 2%, or €41.4m, to €2,120.4m. However, this growth was concentrated in the non-crane earthmoving and mining division, where turnover rose 13.2% to €951.8m.

In the crane divisions, turnover fell: by 5.4%, or €52.9m, in mobile cranes (truck and crawler cranes), and by 6.2%, or €16.5m, in the construction crane (towers) and mixing technology division.

One crane type where the group did see sales growth, was maritime cranes. Here, turnover increased by 12.7%, or €33.9m, to a total of €300.9m. Overall, non-construction products contributed a 9.1%, or €107.6m, increase in turnover.