The German manufacturer said that with the branch, Liebherr-Components would have the additional capacity necessary to meet growing demand in the long term.
The site in Biberach an der Riss will initially have two production halls built on it, each with a surface area of over 10,000 sq m. Another building that joins the two halls will offer a floor space of about 4500 sq m for a showroom and communal facilities. An office building with four floors and a usable area of over 7,200 sq m will also be constructed. There are also plans for a combined heat and power plant to cover the basic energy requirements for the production halls. Liebherr said there is space for further expansion.
The manufacturer said that according to current planning, investment in the building project is expected to amount to €50m. For the development and manufacture of switchgear as well as electric motors and generators, Liebherr-Components in Biberach currently employs 150 members of staff developing and manufacuturing switchgear, electric motors and generators. They will move to the new site. In the long term, the number of employees in these areas is to increase.
The new branch is to commence production by the end of 2014.