Green Pin® has introduced the Green Pin Power Sling® Shackle. The new shackle enables its users to save up to 20% on synthetic- and wire rope costs thanks to its unique design (for which a patent is pending). It has an optimal D/d ratio and the widest crown (+10%) in the industry. Each shackle has been individually proofload tested to twice the Working Load Limit; more than any other competing product. Material characteristics have been thoroughly examined, both internally and in the shackle’s surface, by MPI-tests, ultrasonic inspection and X-ray tests. The Power Sling® also offers riggers very safe and easy handling thanks to the lower body weight, multiple handling points and RFID-chips in both shackle body and pin. You can order technical information for free on
One of the more salient features of the lifting industry in the past few years has been an increased focus on cost. This holds true especially for all transport and installation activities related to energy projects. The steep decline in the price of oil has forced companies throughout the value chain to significantly rein in costs. At the same time however, both onshore and offshore loads are becoming increasingly heavier. Companies that are active in the heavy lifting business have thus been redefining what “heavy” means on an almost annual basis.
It is these two trends that prompted Green Pin® – Dutch manufacturer of shackles, turnbuckles and other high-end rigging equipment – to develop a new shackle. The goal was to develop a new type of shackle for heavy lifting (> 100t) that would deliver its users a substantial cost benefit. The key to do this was to increase the ‘bending efficiency’ of the shackle: the degree to which the maximum load (WLL) that can be lifted with a particular wire rope should be reduced as a consequence of the bearing surface of a shackle. The larger the bending efficiency that can be applied to a rope, the lighter the rope that can be used. The new Green Pin Power Sling® Shackle has a bending efficiency of 85%; an industry record. Its shackle crown is the widest in the industry (10% more than shackles of the previous generation) and has an optimal D/d ratio. Furthermore, the areas of the Power Sling® shackle that endure the highest stress have been reinforced. As a result, the Power Sling® lets you save up to 20% on synthetic- and wire rope costs.
The Power Sling®‘s long-term performance has been scrutinized with tensile- and fatigue testing, subjecting it to more than 40.000 cycles (the API norm specifies 20.000 cycles). Each shackle is Proofload tested to twice the working load limit. Ductility of the steel has also been checked at temperatures as low as minus 40 °Celsius degree (-40 °F). Safety and efficiency for riggers is another notable point of difference with other products. The Power Sling® is equipped with eight handling points to the body and several more on the pin (larger sizes have more handling points than smaller sizes). Many such handling points are smaller shackles that are attached to the main shackle. Lifting the Power Sling® into place becomes a much safer and easier activity as a result.
The Green Pin Power Sling® is available in a range from WLL 125T to 1250T and can be supplied with a variety of certificates. More information (product video, brochure) can be found on the website