The four-day event at Link-Belt’s headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky, included the announcement of a 600 USt superlift attachment for its 548 crawler crane and a new five-section boom version of its 140 USt HTC-3140 truck crane, as well as orders for the 548 and its 130 USt RTC-80130 Series II rough terrain crane, and the North American debut for the TCC-750 telescopic crawler.

The TCC-750 had previously only been announced in Europe, with Dorset, UK-based hydraulic crawler crane rental firm Jones Crawler Cranes purchasing the first model. Link-Belt said it has seen strong interest from the North American market for the TCC-750, with ALL Erection and Crane Rental Co already purchasing 10 for its fleet.
“Our customers are really interested in a reliable telecrawler,” said Pat Collins, Link-Belt’s senior lattice boom product manager.
ALL has also purchased three RTC-80130s, Link-Belt’s largest RT model, with Link-Belt saying it is “proud that we meet ALL’s high standards with these cranes”.
The 600 USt superlift option for the 548 crawler will include a supermast, supermast and telescopic tray, and supermast with wagon attachment. It is currently being tested in Japan. Also new for the 548 is a 25ft auxiliary offset top, designed for heavy lifts where additional load-to-boom clearance is required, such as vessel placement and wind energy applications.
The first 548 is currently in Houston, Texas for distributor and end-user training before it is delivered to crane company Oklahoma Territory.

The HTC-3140 is based on the HTC-3140LB’s five-axle platform with a five-section boom. Only the six-section boom 3140LB had previously been shown, but both are now available with five boom modes and optional fly attachments. “Being the biggest truck crane available, the 3140 solidifies Link-Belt’s dominance of the truck crane market,” said Rick Curnutte, Link-Belt’s telescopic crane product manager.