The statement lists the correct procedures for various types of lifting eyes, which are used to attach loads to lifting equipment, via lifting accessories such as slings. Describing the guidance the association said: "if lifting eyes were able to be removed from the load, for example by unscrewing, they are classed as lifting accessories and must be thoroughly examined at intervals not exceeding six month required by Regulation 9(3)(i) of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)."

"Removable lifting eyes have been classified as lifting accessories by the European Commission’s Machinery Directive Working Group in the Working Group Paper – Directive 2006/42/EC Classification of equipment used for lifting loads with lifting machinery"

"If the lifting eyes are permanently attached to the load, for example by welding, they are part of the load and do not require thorough examination. They do however need to be inspected at appropriate intervals under Regulation 6 of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)."