Parkes previously held the role of general manager of operations at Hewden, a post he held from October 2008. He has been employed by the Finning Group (UK) for over 12 years.

Hewden executive director, Doug Sprout, said: “During the past 12 months, Kevin has implemented successfully a number of operational changes despite uniquely challenging economic conditions.

“These include the introduction of a new regional structure to enable more efficient and responsive customer service levels as well as significant investment in the company’s national accounts team to provide the product and support demanded by the country’s leading contractors.”

Parkes added: “At Hewden, we are committed to rental excellence, meaning that our customers benefit from the highest levels of equipment safety, quality and performance, wherever they are based.

“We will continue to drive forward operational improvements throughout the business to ensure we deliver the products, service and support that our customers demand.”