Distributor Doornbos Verkoop has delivered a Sumitomo SC700-3 to Herbosch Kiere of Kallo, Belgium.

It is the first of two machines of this type that Herbosch Kiere has ordered.

These Sumitomo lattice boom crawler cranes are the first machines of the new Pax-3 series to be delivered in Europe.

Herbosch Kiere will use the machines for lifting, grab and piling work. For grab work the machines are equipped with one hydraulic tagline and for lifting activities with a third drum.

As standard, the SC700-3 comes with two main winches, with a maximum line pull of 17.5t. Herbosch Kiere ordered a third drum as an extra. This has a line pull of 8.5 ton. The third drum can also be delivered with a line pull of 17.5t.