High capacity utilization in crane product groups and increases in revenue and earnings in North and South America contributed to positive development.

With consolidated net profit for the period of EUR 41.8m (Q1-Q3 2005: EUR 37.6m), earnings per share reached EUR 4.74. Thanks to positive performance, the company’s equity ratio rose to 57.1 percent at balance sheet date. Compared to the previous-year period, investment in property, plant, and equipment increased to EUR 13m (Q1-Q3 2005: EUR 10m). Necessary additions to capacity and rationalization investments owing to full capacity utilization were decisive factors in this increase.

The segment Europe and rest of the world remains the strongest segment. In the segment North and South America, revenue rose by 16.9 percent from EUR 47.8m in the previous-year period to EUR 55.9m. Once more, revenue increases were attributable to successful sales development in North America and appreciation of the Brazilian Real.

The cranes segment is still marked by demand for higher performance classes and high-grade fittings. Sales development of Epsilon in Europe was also highly positive. In the hydraulic systems and services segment, revenue increased from EUR 109.5m by 17.1 percent to EUR 128.3m compared to the previous-year period. There was a slight increase in EBIT to EUR –3.7 m. (Q1-Q3 2005: EUR –3.8m).

Based on the positive developments of the first three quarters, we anticipate reaching our target of sustained, profitable growth for the 2006 financial year.

Besides measures to eliminate bottlenecks in materials supply, our focus during the next months remains on implementing investments initiated for increasing capacity and continuous efficiency increases. The successful continuation of profitable growth is to be ensured in conjunction with developing existing potential in the weaker product areas in hydraulic systems, the company said.