
Trish Pierce at or call at (586) 574-7479.

The US Army is looking to buy series-produced all terrain cranes from a manufacturer. It says:

Engineer Forces are required to perform LOC repair, construction, force

protection and heavy lift missions throughout full spectrum operations. A

critical need exists for a Family of All Terrain Cranes (FOATC) that is self

deployable and capable of traveling on both primary and secondary roads with

off road maneuverability. The FOATC will be capable of providing mobility,

survivability, and counter mobility support across the entire range of

theater operations. The FOATC supports the Joint Force the capability to

repair and expand operating capacities of Ports of Embarkation (POE),

Intermediate Staging Bases/Forward Operating Bases, Ports of Debarkation

(POD), entry points and bridging in non-contiguous battle space. Use of the

FOATC, will enable Joint Force Engineer organizations to better provide

prompt and sustained operations that will facilitate continued theater

access of initial entry and follow-on forces as well as provide Air and

Ground LOC Repair and Construction support. The FOATC document will allow

industry to assess its capability in meeting the army’s needs. The CPD can be found at under Capability Production Document for Family of All Terrain Cranes.