Contact: Joel Dimaapi,, tel and fax +1 860 694 2840.

The US government intends to award a commercial purchase order for the repair of a crane. The repair service for this heavy-duty industrial crane requires the contractor to perform all work and repair activities under the cognisance of navy crane centre certified category 1 crane inspectors during all phases of the project.

The contractor is also required to adhere to the Naval Undersea Warfare Center’s (NUWC) lock-out/tag-out program and shall provide the necessary lock-out/tag-out equipment for all of their employees and ensure that it is being used at all times while working on or around the equipment/machinery. The contractor shall comply with related federal, state, and local safety and environmental regulations in the performance of this project and is expected to be familiar with MILSPECS, MSDS Sheets, testing requirements and related guidelines for this work.

The anticipated period of performance for this service is 11 September 2006 to 11 October 2006.

The contractor should provide all necessary tools, equipment, materials and services to remove, install, and lubricate the wire rope on the cargo, port span, and starboard span winches of a navy owned MacGregor dual-pedestal stiff-leg derrick.

The successful offeror shall be responsible for the following: All work will be performed under the cognisance of Navy Crane Center Certified Category 1 Crane Inspectors during all phases of the project. The contractor shall furnish domestic wire rope (1 3/8” 6×36 Class IWRC RRL XXIP with a minimum breaking strength of 105.5 tons). The wire rope length shall be 1,670’ each for the two Span Winches and 1,470’ for the Cargo Winch. The contractor shall provide a breaking strength certificate for the wire rope (one for each wire rope if from different runs). The Span Winch wire ropes shall have one open swaged socket each, the size and type shall be that suitable for 1 3/8” end-connections. The Cargo Winch wire rope does not have any swaged sockets. All ends of the wire ropes that do not have a swaged socket shall be seized, welding or brazing shall not be permitted for the final installation. Welding of the wire rope ends shall only be permitted for installation purposes and a minimum six-inch section adjacent to the welded area shall be removed once installed.

The contractor shall remove the wire rope from the Cargo, Port Span, and Starboard Span Winches. The contractor shall install the used wire rope onto reels supplied by the contractor in preparation for disposal. The contractor shall provide all necessary wire rope reel stands. The contractor shall lubricate the entire length of the new wire rope using a biodegradable lubricant with a pressurised wire-rope lubricator. (Note: the systems measurement platform (SMP) Barge is equipped with compressed air to power the wire rope pressurised lubricator, if needed). The contractor shall meet the requirements of Military Specification (MIL SPEC) MIL-PRF-18458C using a Type ÉÉ lubricant. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be kept on the job site for all materials throughout the duration of the project. The contractor shall install the new wire rope on the Cargo and Span Winches and provide the correct number of new wire rope clips for 1 3/8” diameter wire rope for the dead ends. The correct number of wire rope clips does not apply to the wire rope connection at the winch drums due to their configuration. The wire rope clips shall be torqued to the manufacturers specified torque values. Upon completion of the break-in procedure (with load) the contractor shall verify torque on all wire rope clips. The Government will be responsible for the monitoring/adjustment of the level-wind systems and the upper/lower limit switch systems throughout the duration of the project. During removal/installation, the Government will request that the contractor allow them time to perform these adjustments as necessary.

The contractor shall adhere to the Naval Undersea Warfare Center’s (NUWC) lock-out/tag-out program and shall provide the necessary lock-out/tag-out equipment for all of their employees and ensure that it is being used at all times while working on or around the equipment/machinery. The contractor shall provide the necessary fall protection equipment for all of its employees and ensure it is being used when required (100% tie off is required at all times when working at heights six feet or greater). The contractor shall ensure that the employees are wearing safety shoes at all times while on the SMP Barge and are wearing approved hard hats anytime there are overhead hazards anywhere on the SMP Barge. Personal floatation devices shall be worn at all times while aboard any floating vessel (this does not apply to the SMP barge). The contractor shall remove and dispose of any excess materials/debris generated as a result of the project (including the wire-rope reels from the new wire-rope). The existing wire rope is heavily laden with lubricant. The contractor shall take adequate precautions to prevent any contamination to the lake and to prevent lubricant from contaminating the deck area of the SMP barge. The contractor shall have full responsibility for spill prevention and clean up. The contractor shall notify their employees that once on the SMP Barge the employee will remain on the SMP barge until the end of the shift. The only exception would be an emergency. The workday shall begin at 7:00 A.M. and be completed at 5:30 P.M. (this includes travel time to and from the SMP barge). The Seneca Lake Facility is a non-smoking facility; smoking on the SMP barge shall not be permitted.

The Government shall be responsible for the following: The government shall provide transportation for the contractors to/from the SMP Barge which is located approximately 1 ½ miles from shore. The government shall provide personal floatation devices for all contractors. The government shall load/unload all equipment necessary onto the boats for transport to the SMP barge. The intent of this service is for heavy items, not small items that can be hand carried. Note: On shore lifting capacity is 20,000 lbs.; lifting capacity on the SMP Barge is 12,800 lbs. The government shall provide compressed air to power the pneumatic lubricator for the wire rope lubrication. The government shall provide forklift services on shore (up to 15,000 lbs.) for the loading/unloading of vehicles and transport of materials, tools, and equipment. The government shall dispose of the old wire rope from the SMP barge once the contractor has installed it onto the contractor-supplied reels. The government shall provide test weights for the break-in procedure. All crane operations shall be provided by the government using Navy Crane Center Certified Crane Operators. The wire-rope break-in procedure (with load) shall be performed by the government using Navy Crane Center-certified load-test directors/crane inspectors and shall be witnessed by the contractor (expected to take 3 – 4 hours).

A site visit is mandatory in order for a subsequent vendor proposal to be considered technically acceptable. Attendance of the site visit shall not be construed as any commitment or guarantee on the part of the government for contract award. The pre-solicitation site visit will be held on August 10, 2006 at 12:00 P.M. There will be a short meeting from 12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M. on shore. A visit to the SMP barge will take place promptly at 1:00 P.M. All questions shall be asked and answered in an open forum. All questions and answers will be documented and sent out by the contracting officer to all involved parties. Questions which arise after this time shall be directed to the contracting officer, who will share the answers with all offerors as appropriate. All formal proposals shall be submitted to the contracting officer no later than August 18, 2006. The contract award shall be based upon total contract price proposed and proposed completion date as the main considerations. Within five working days of award, the contractor will be required to submit a specific job-plan detailing the procedures that will be followed to accomplish the contract. The plan will be reviewed and approved by the government within two working days of submittal. The government shall be responsible to make the decision of allowing work to be performed in the event of foul weather (e.g. high-winds, lightning, etc.). Any days lost due to foul weather shall be documented. The contractor will not be compensated, nor will they incur penalties, due to loss of work as a result of foul weather.