I think that we end up working with a lot of small contractors that have no awareness of safe work practices, formal or otherwise, when it comes to work performed using cranes. I think if you asked small crane business owners, many would give you a similar story. Medium to larger businesses tend to have a much greater awareness of jobsite safety and many of the larger ones have formal safety training for their employees, especially those that may work with cranes. Unionized trades have generally higher awareness (but not necessarily) due to at least some amount of training, but the labour force here is very splintered. Indeed, I have worked with as many non union professionals as I have unionized incompetents. Different states have different labor laws, some areas have a highly transient labor force, language barriers, etc., etc…
Since I last wrote to you, I have been asking my customers regularly what they plan to do when the latest rewrite (C-DAC) of crane work rules take effect. This is expected to happen here in the states sometime this year. As I understand it, the new rules are going to require training and certification for crane operators, riggers and signalman nationwide. [If the standard becomes law in 08, this will not be mandatory until 2012 – ED] So far, without exception, I have not found one person that has even heard of the proposed rules. Further, after I briefly mention what I have read, not one person has indicated positively that they plan on following them!
Coincidentally, I have an appointment with an attorney tomorrow morning because I want to know how I can protect myself and my business in case of an incident involving these untrained and uncertified personnel that I will be asked to work with. Will it be my job to ask if everyone onsite is qualified? If there is an injury or property damage on a job using untrained labour, will I be liable for working with them even if I don’t know anything of their competency?
Chuck Mostert
Mostert Cranes and Equipment
Prscott Valley, Arizona, USA