A wire connecting the crane barge to one of two tugboats was cut in high seas on December 7. The free floating barge punched holes into the hull of a Hong Kong oil tanker, the Hebei Spirit, sending 78,920 barrels of oil into the sea off of South Korea’s western coast. Almost half a million people, including coast guards, soldiers and volunteers, were involved in clearing up the damage.
Warrants for the men’s arrest were issued by judge Lee Sang-woo, who said ‘the accident is a grave concern and the two are expected to face severe punishment at trial’. The men are being held at Taen County Marine Police Station. The captain of the 10,700 tonne crane barge has been accused of ordering the boat to sea despite dangerous weather conditions.
A warrant had also been issued been issued for the arrest of the tanker captain, but he has since been cleared of responsibility for the accident. A second tugboat was involved, and a warrant issued for the captain of this vessel, but there are currently no reports on whether an arrest has been made.
Bird Korea, a local charity, reckons tens of thousands of birds have been killed or injured as a result of the accident. Oil has turned beaches black all along the country’s western coast.