The structure is designed to be a monument to the industrial region’s miners, and a landmark for visitors.

On 7 June 2016 a Terex AC 200 crane and an AC 350 crane owned by Steil lifted the 35m long, 60t observation deck for the Saarpolygon, together with two other cranes.

These machines placed the steel colossus between the two diagonal elements of the structure.

Once they were done, the landmark was complete and could start fulfilling its function as an emblem for the entire region.

“The Polygon is a symbol meant to serve as a testimonial to the 250 years of coal mining that in many ways defined the Saar Region,” explained Frank Nicklas from Steil Kranarbeiten’s field team. “The steel structure, which has a height of about 30m, represents the history of mining, coal, and steel in the area.

“At Steil we are tremendously proud of the fact that we got to play a part in erecting this new monument for the Saarland, not least because we have a branch office in the region. It’s not something we get to do every day.

“Going up the spoil pile to get to the work site was not something that cranes get to do every day either, as the steep climb to the top took them through narrow winding roads and forced them to press ahead slowly. Despite this, the Steil team was able to get all four cranes to the top of the spoil pile on time and, once there, position them for the lift. The weather proved to be cooperative. If it had rained heavily and the ground had gotten wet, it would have been impossible to carry out the project.”

Millimeter work

The cranes were able to pick up the steel bridge, which was made by Düren-based steel fabrication company Queck and had been pre-assembled the week before, and bring it to the required height of 30m.

“Communication is crucial when it comes to getting this kind of lift right. That’s why all the signal people and crane operators involved were constantly in touch on the radio,” said Nicklas.

This was an absolute necessity as placing the walk-in bridge between the two diagonal steel elements required high precision – a centimetre or two off, and the assemblers working for Leipzig-based assembly company IMO would have been unable to install the bolted joints required between the individual structure elements.

Volker Hagelstein, member of the board of management at BergBauErbeSaar and project manager, said: “I was totally impressed when I saw the bridge hanging from the four cranes. I was also fascinated with the ease and precision with which Steil’s employees lifted the bridge up into the air.”

The people who started the BergbauErbeSaar booster association project believe the Saarpolygon will not just be a landmark that honours the region’s miners and population, but also a tourist attraction for the municipality of Ensdorf, the administrative district of Saarlouis, and the entire Saarland region.