It was stetsons all round as Japanese manufacturer Tadano celebrated the 10th anniversary of its US subsidiary in Texas.

Tadano America Corp was founded in Houston, Texas in 1993 and to mark the event Tadano threw a western-style party at the annual conference of the Specialised Carriers & Rigging Association on 27 April. Guests were treated to entertainment ranging from line dancing to card sharps, and all received their own cowboy hat on arrival. In truth, however, only Tadano America vice president Ron Dogotch every really looked like a cowboy, and even he was nearer the urban variety.

Tadano president Sakae Tadano gave a welcoming address in which he spoke of Tadano’s commitment to the US market. He also recalled the company’s history of activity in the USA. Sakae Tadano said that he himself had made the company’s first US sale, back in the late 1960s.