Tadano said the counterfeit models it has encountered are mostly a mix-and-match of parts from used Tadano machines and other manufacturers’ equipment, being sold as used Tadano products.

Characteristics of these used cranes include model numbers not corresponding to the company’s product portfolio, such as TL-255E and TG-550E; the use of dials, which are not fitted in original machines; and a logo similar to the Tadano branding. However, “the characteristics of counterfeit Tadano cranes will not be limited to the above only since there remains always a possibility that they may be changed or built anew as time passes.”

Tadano said it does not use dials in its machinery

“As these imitation machines have not met our quality safety standards, there is concern that they may consequently lead to structural defects or operational malfunctions resulting in serious accidents,” said Tadano. “So, we would advise you never to use such fake cranes for your safety sake too.

“Be very careful of such imitation machines when purchasing used Tadano cranes.”

The cab of the counterfeit GT-550E

Tadano said any concerns over the origin of its used cranes should be directed to local authorised dealers, which are available here.