Heavy transport service provider Ehrig Arne KG, from Schwarzenberg, Germany, was commissioned by the Ulmer Eisenbahnfreunde (Ulm Railway Friends), a group dedicated to preserving working rail heritage, to transport a steam train locomotive from the harbour in Karlsruhe to Ettlingen – around 16 miles away – where it is being restored.

The locomotive weighed around 60 tonnes and was transported using Faymonville 2+4 VarioMAX low loader.

The semi-trailer’s vessel deck was telescopically extended by one metre to accommodate the train. In addition, the Ehrig team installed the 6,000 millimetre-long elongation beams enabling it to pull the 13.86 metre-long locomotive onto the low loader via a special track ramp and a permanently installed track on the inner vehicle chassis after uncoupling the gooseneck.

The overall weight of the combination amounted to 107 tonnes, with an overall combination length of at least 30 metres.