Qi Cheng, the designer of the crane, explained that the crane was aimed at installing multiple turbines on difficult terrain. The self-folding 23.5m jib can be carried complete on the crane, reducing time spent between installations, rigging and de-rigging the crane. XCMG says this reduces costs and increases construction efficiency.

With the wind jib and boom extended to 89m, the manufacturer says the crane is suitable for most 2.5MW turbines. For other jobs, such as in the petrochemical sector, the crane can be used without the wind jib and with the eight-section boom extended to its full reach of 102m.

XCMG launched its first 1,200t all terrain, the nine-axle QAY1200, in 2012. The XCA1200 was launched at Bauma China in late 2016. With one less axle, it can still travel around the job site within axle loads of 26t. Stripped down for road travel, it stays within 12t.

On this job, the crane installed tower sections and blades. Placing the tower sections was, XCMG says, made easier by the crane’s intelligent control system which adapts to the requirements of each left.

The blades were 59.5m long, and when assembled, the rotor had a diameter of 120m and weight of over 60t. The blades had to be connected to the nacelle to tolerances of 5mm, at wind speeds of 5-12m/s.