“This is truly a landmark occasion where the union employer community is strategically attempting to become less fragmented and come together behind shared values that will ultimately make both organizations stronger,” NACBE Executive Director John Erickson said.

The strategic alliance signed at the 2008 TAUC Leadership Conference outlined several key points, including:

• Work together on issues impacting the industrial maintenance and construction industry

• Conduct joint meetings and share information related to construction labor relations and safety

• Participate in joint development of products and practices that benefit safety, productivity, market expansion, and profitability

“This strategic alliance will bring both our organizations closer, working towards mutually beneficial goals, so that union contractors ultimately benefit from and improve upon synergies that already exist,” TAUC CEO Steve Lindauer said.

TAUC said that this alliance signals a marshalling of forces intended to assist union contractors in regaining market share that has been lost in the past decades.

TAUC is an association of 2,500 union contractors from across the United States, primarily engaged in steel erection, industrial maintenance and construction. The mission of TAUC is to act as an advocate in advancing and enhancing the value of the union construction industry through an educated and action driven membership that fosters the promotion of labor-management cooperation, workplace safety and health, and collaboration with construction users in order to help union contractors compete more effectively in the marketplace.