Since September 2015, Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM), with engines of a net power of 37kW and 560kW, which are used on any major development within Greater London, have been required to meet Stage IIIA emissions regulations as a minimum or retrofit best available technology; while NRMM used on any site within the Central Activity Zone or Canary Wharf needs to meet Stage IIIB as a minimum.

Retrofitting Eminox CRTs to Weldex’s cranes was a fast and cost-effective route to render them compliant for work within London’s NRMM Low Emission Zone. For example, prices start as low as £5,000 per machine. Eminox fitters installed the CRTs at Weldex sites, providing a flexible and practical service, which did not disrupt the construction schedule. The Eminox mobile fitters can install systems on London LEZ sites in as little as one day, keeping down-time for construction contractors to a minimum.

The Eminox CRT retrofit system is Vert certified and approved by the Energy Savings Trust (EST) for NRMM. It is renowned for being a reliable system and Eminox can supply spare filters so that machinery can continue to be used while the original filter is being cleaned by its sister company, Ceramex. The filters are designed to be easily accessible and can be removed for cleaning at required intervals, depending on the level of use and type of machine.

Garry Jeffrey, service manager at Weldex, says; "Weldex and our clients are very happy with the DPF exhaust systems, professionally installed by Eminox. The systems are working well and have been trouble-free. We have found the CRT retrofit to be an effective and efficient solution to control exhaust emission levels on engines working in central London."