The core production area covers 20,000 sq m (5 acres) and will include buildings for steel construction, mechanical engineering, control engineering as well as for final assembly. A 3,100 sq m automated blasting plant and powder coating plant will open in August. The plant is intended for components with dimensions of up to 14m x 3.5m x 3.5 m and a maximum weight of 20 tons. “Tower cranes with a powder coated finish have a considerably higher quality compared to conventionally coated ones” says manager Franz-Rudolf Wilbert. The facility will also include a 37,000 sq m (9.14 acres) outside warehouse.
The company says that one of the spurs to the development of the new plant was a lack of steel components. The plan is to produce 200 cranes a year at the site, although a shortage of labour will make this difficult to achieve immediately. “The potential of our area and machinery is not exhausted for a long time yet. We are desperately looking for suitable employees like locksmiths, welders, lathe and screw machinists. With the right team we succeed in constructing more cranes on our own,” said Franz-Rudolf Wilbert , founder and manager of Wilbert.
The company will move into the plant by the end of April. An official inauguration will take place in September.