The 4517 city is only 1.2m wide, and can be transported using two lorries. It uses a standard set of Wolffkran elements, such as pin connection of tower and jib, and a regular set of jib parts and counterweights. This means that the crane can use other Wolff components that fleet rental firms may already have available. It is designed for fast and economic assembly, featuring a special connection assembly for electronic components.

The crane’s lifting hoist is guided within the jib, and an automatic re-reeving device makes it easy to switch between two- and four-rope fall. The jib can be extended in 2.5m steps between 25 and 50m. Operators have access to a multilingual graphical terminal, carrying user information and diagnostics, as well as simple menu-guided settings of the load-limiting device and all limit switches. The crane can be controlled using radio or pendant remotes, or from an optional driver’s cabin.

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Wolff TB 4517 spec sheet